Thursday, February 17, 2011

Little Miss Independent

I have a very strong feeling that Brailyn will be very stubborn and strong willed.  I think she will be a pretty independent person.  Let's face it, she gets it honest!  I know that in most respects this will be a good thing, and that is what I want to focus on.  Anyway, the night before last, I had bought her a new tooth brush and opened it up to use it.  I'm not sure if we are supposed to change hers as often as ours, so I did.  As I was getting her new one ready, she grabbed her old one and just started brushing! Then when I took the old one, she wanted the new one all to herself!  She did a pretty good job.  The dentist told me when I went that we can start teaching her how to spit, so we have been practicing!  She loves it!  Most of the time I can't get her to stop! 


  1. I so love the videos!!! She is such a big girl!

  2. This is just so precious!! She is really good at spitting!! Love that baby girl!!


Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers