Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fun Family Weekends!

  The past two weekends, we have spent a lot of time with family!  I don't believe there is anything better or more fun than just visiting with the ones we love. 
Last weekend we went to Andy and Jennifer's to celebrate Jody's birthday.  The girls had a blast!  They are starting to bridge the developmental age gap between them.  Now, I'm not saying that they are there yet, but they are getting closer.  They cn actually play together now. Madi has a playhouse, and Brailyn would go inside, and they could play peek-a-boo together.  It was so cute!  We had a really good time visiting with them!

  This weekend, my mom and dad made the rounds to see all of their grandchildren!  Let me tell you, that is quite a feat! They headed to my sister's on Thursday night, which is 2 hours away.  They spent the night, and part of the next day there.  Then, they came to our house which is about an hour from my sister's.  They spent the night with us, and then on Saturday they left and headed to my brother's house which is an hour and a half from here.  After they spent the day with them, they headed home which is about an hour from my brother's! Whew!  That makes me tired just typing it!  We had a really good time with them!  When they got here on Friday, Brailyn and I were outside, and after they got here we spent about another hour outside just letting her play!  Brailyn really enjoyed having them here!  She would just lay on her Gramma, and would grin at her Pop-up.  She about wore my momma out playing on the couch with her!  The girl is fearless!  Actually, momma went to bed close to the time that Brailyn did!  We had a really good time, I just wish they could have stayed longer!

  There is nothing more precious than spending time with family, and watching your baby get to know and love them as much as you do!

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