Friday, October 8, 2010

11 months!

Our sweet baby girl is 11 months old today(by the time I get this posted it will probably be yesterday!) I can't believe we only have a month before she turns 1! We had a very fun, busy day today!  We met my sister and my niece and nephews in Magnolia today for lunch and shopping! Brailyn was supposed to nap on the way down there but she decided to just "talk" to me the whole way! It was so sweet! I ended up getting a few presents taken care of for upcoming events so that was good. My sister brought me the dress she picked up for me that Brailyn will wear for her 1st birthday party! I already have it planned just have to buy the needed things!  I can't wait! I'll talk more about that when the time comes! Right now we will focus on 11 months! 
At 11 months Brailyn can:
  • Give people "sugar" = a mouth open wide and usually a lick at the end!
  • Clap her hands- most of the time it is when we sing "If you're happy and you know it"
  • show you her tongue when asked!
  • show you her hair when asked!
  • wipe her nose when you give her a cloth or wipe!
  • This week she has started letting go of whatever she pulled up on and taking about 5-7 steps!
  • crawls all over the place!
  • says: dada, mama, doh(dog), and du(duck) discriminately!
  • go and get almost anything you ask her to get
  • turns the pages on her books
  • wave bye-bye and hi
  • blows kisses
  • gives hugs when asked
  • she eats anything we put in front of her! Today she had mac and cheese and some chicken nugget!
  • she loves her blanket buddy that we put in the crib for her to snuggle with! It usually works like a charm if she wakes up, she'll go right back to sleep!
  • she is beginning to climb on things!
  • she can drink from a cup but she would make a huge mess!
That is all I can think of right now!  Here are her 11 month pics!

We love our sweet baby girl!


  1. Oh I love that sweet baby too!! It seems like everyday she is learning to do something new!! This is such a precious time for you all!! ENJOY!!

  2. Gosh time does fly!!! She's so smart and way too cute in her little jeans...I love that girl too!!

  3. Our precious niece is just growing way too fast! I can't believe she'll be one in a month! She looks absolutely darling in her blue jeans...what a big girl!


Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers