Sweet Summertime means...
Yummy ice from sonic... |
splashing in "daddy's bucka"... |
fun in the sun with "Maa-Maa Kaye"... |
all over happiness... |
helping mow on "daddy's ride"... |
joy rides in the wheel-barrow... |
gettin' good and dirty with out a care in the world... |
playing in the sprinklers... |
drinkin' from the sprinklers... |
lookin' cute while doing it... |
helping fill up the new pool... |
pretending to be a fire fighter in this heat... |
sportin' pretty new pig-tails... |
enjoying the good ol' summer treat, watermelon... |
staying cool with mommy... |
and hangin' out with the cool kids in the pool... |
...and most of all, Sweet Memories! Now that's what I call the lazy days of summer!
Those are precious pictures!! That baby girl sure knows how to have fun!! She is so precious!!