Brailyn pee-peed in the potty last night! YAY! We have been sitting her up there every now and then. Last night Jody was going to give her her bath so I could get some things done. He got her stripped down and put her on the potty. Then he started hollering. I ran in there and we both started going nuts! She got so excited! Every time I put her on the potty she looks at the toilet paper and holds up one finger and says "one coth." She gets so excited when I give her one piece, so tonight for using the potty she got TWO pieces! If that is the treat she wants for sitting on the potty, that is just fine with me! Same me some money on M&Ms! HA! We may still have a long road ahead of us, but this was an exciting first step! Now she is going to hate me for this, but here is a picture of the beautiful potty girl with her TWO pieces of tp:
Isn't she a doll! |
I have to agree with you. That is one little doll!! Sweet thing is so happy with just 2 squares of toliet paper!! I have to wonder how long that will last!! You said she'd probably hate you for posting the picture on the potty. Just remember this little doll will be picking out your nursing home someday!!LOL Neena is proud of our big girl!!