Translation: Snow!!!!!
When I got up on Friday morning, I saw the beautiful white blanket of snow! We could hardly wait for Brailyn to get up and see it! Jody was home sick and quarantined to the bedroom, so when Brailyn finally woke up(about 9:00 AM) I got her out of her bed and Jody watched from the hallway as she looked out the window and said, "No!!!" She was one excited little girl! Every time we have gone outside since the last snow, she always looks around and says, "no?" It is the sweetest thing! So Friday when it snowed for the SECOND time this year, I knew she would be excited! We got all bundled up after her nap and took a stroll in the snow! Unfortunately Jody couldn't join us, but we had fun! She could actually walk in this snow since it wasn't as deep as the last time. She looked so cute just waddling in it! Here, I'll show you:
Our neighbor's yard |
The trail a squirrel made form the tree to our house about one hundred times! |
"Come on Mommy!" |
Staring at the birds! |
Uh-oh! |
This is how the last picture ended! |
Mommy and Brailyn enjoying the snow! |
She still remembered that she liked to eat it..... |
....and that is all she did when we went out today! |
There was going to be a video, but I have tried it three times and it is obviously not working! I may try again later, but for now I hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as we enjoyed making them!
Today is my Nanny's 73rd birthday! We were all supposed to suprise her, and go to her house today and eat, bt my WHOLE family is sick! My brother, my sister, my mom, Jody, my niece, and my nephew! But I got to talk to my Nanny, and hopefully we will be planning another weekend to all get together!
Happy Birthday Nanny!
I am so glad that she got to play in the "no" again!! Looks like she had a great time!! Such a little sweetheart!!