Wednesday, February 9, 2011

15 Months!

Our Baby Girl turned 15 months old yesterday!  Where did the time go?  She has changed so much just since she turned 1!  It blows my mind to think that it has been 15 months since we became a family of three!  We do not even remember what we did before she came along! 

We had our 15 month checkup today! OH MY WORD!  That was the first thing I said to Jody after I got finished taking her!  We had a very early appointment this morning, so when I got there we were the only ones in the waiting room.  I sat down to fill out the 15 month questionairre and I hadn't even finished the first part before they called us back!  Wonderful? NO!  As soon as Brailyn saw the nurse(Ms. Kay the one that it always is) she started screaming! I mean SCREAMING!  She screamed the whole time I had to lay her down to get her weighed, lay her down to get her measured, and when she tried to measure her head, I had to hold Brailyn's arms because she was trying to get the tape measure off!  SHe finally quietted down after she left.  SHe was still snubbing when Dr. Green walked in, and she started screaming again!  She screamed the whole time he looked at her and I was holding her.  After he left, she got quiet and then the nurse came back in for the shots.  As soon as she saw her she started screaming again! It was awful!  It didn't take long for her to get quiet, but she snubbed all the way back to the car!  My poor baby!  It amazes me how she can remember that place!

Anyway, here are our 15 month stats!  This will be a long post, but there is a video at the end if you just wnat to watch that!
  • 23 lbs 14.5 oz--70%
  • 30.5 in--50%
  • The doctor said everything looked great, and we mainly talked about safety and eating habits.  She does not like many vegetables!  She likes green beans and corn, but that is about it!  Lately I have tried pinto beans, broccoli abd cheese sauce, and carrots.  She has spit out everyone!  She absolutely loves fruit, any and all kinds!  He told me if I had to sprinkle a little cinnamon on the carrots, that was fine.  Also, I could give her V8 VFusion juice.  Lately, she has been eating better with ketchup on stuff.  He told me to watch that! OOPS!
  • Her vocabulary expands every day! So far she says, or attempts to say: Da-Da, Ma-Ma, Neena, Papa, Pop-up, Ma-mo for Gramma, Nit-nee for Whitney, Maa-Maa for Madi, Bip-bo(hippo), Duck, dog(and she now says pete for the church dog!) cak-ker(cracker) Wa-wa(water), ju(juice), gone-gone) night-night, iiiiiiiii(I love you!), bow, poo(poop-just started this)  no-no(AHHHH), nose, noo(snow), bye-bye, hi, bear, deer, Dot Dog(anything mickey mouse), mimi(minnie mouse), nack(snack) na-nas(bananas), bubble, belly button, ball and but-ball(football), uh-oh, book, hot, and bath!  I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but she just amazes me every day!  Is it wrong to be proud of her?
  • She can point to her nose, tounge, belly, hands, toes, eyes, and hair.
  • She tries to imitate us constantly!
  • She runs all over the place, and she also falls all over the place!  She keeps a bruise at all times!
  • She loves to read books!  She will grab a book and then back up to you! HA SHe could sit and read for 30 minutes, and she often does!
  • I read her a story, usually twice beacause when I say the end she says "no" and turens it over. How can I resist. When I turn her over to rock her, she looks right into my eyes and says "nigh-nigh!" Talk about melting her mama's heart!Then we rock to sleep singing Jesus Loves Me, Deep and Wide, or Jesus Loves the Little Children. 
  • Her bedtime is usually 9 o'clock.  We feed her cereal at about 8:30.  Then we take a bath, get lotioned up, brush our teeth, and recently we have been learning to spit.  Then she tells her daddy night night. She usually sleeps until 8 or 8:30.  Then we eat lunch at about 12 and go back to sleep at 12:30 and she will usually sleep for 2-3 hours. Heaven!
  • She loves to give loving, i.e hugs, kisses!  Then she will usually blow a kiss.
  • She pretty much obeys simple commands when she wants to!
  • She sleeps with her blanket bear, and she loves that thing!  It is a big time comforter!
  • She loves to have company!  She doesn't like for people to leave! I hope she will be much more social than me!
  • She loves to play dress up!
  • She loves to help me do different things around the house or just go behind me and mess it all back up!
  • She has 14 teeth now!  I found 2 more on the bottom the other day, and I didn't check the top ones tonight.
  • She knows what a cat says-mow, sheep-baaa, cow-mmm and noe mooo, pig-chh-chh(that is her way), monkey-ah-ah, dog-uff-uff, and duck-gak-gak!
  • She likes to try and whistle(you will see on the video below), and she likes to blow duck calls with her daddy!  She holds when end up to her mouth and just blows on it!
  • She has a book called "Little Quack's Opposite's." There is a page that says near and far.  I always bring it up to her face and then move it back.  Now she does it.  Then there is a page that says he is loud.  SHe will squeal at the top of her lungs!  Then it says fast and slow.  She shakes her head real fst on that page.  On the happy and sad page she pretends to cry! On the hot page she says hat and blows!  And on the awake/asleep page she puts her finger to her mouth and says "shhh!"
  • She wears size 12 month clothes, and a few 18 months.  She wears a size 5 shoe!
  • She gets into everything!  Today she climbed in the bottom drawer in the bathroomm but she couldn't get herself out!
    Rolling around in the laundry!  This never gets old! 
    This was taken today, but we will call it our official 15 month pic!
  • If I ask her where Brailyn is or if she sees a picture of herself, she points to herself and says "oooo!(you)"
That was a long post!  Sorry about that, but I just wanted to make sure I had everything recorded mainly for myself!  Here's a little something for y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is so sweet and precious!! I'm so glad you are recording all the little things she does as she is growing!! It just melts my heart to hear all that she says and does!! I love that little darling so much!!


Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers