This is the last bit of our Christmas I promise! These were just a few random things that wouldn't fit anywhere else. You know how I love past and present pictures so here are Brailyn's Snata Clause pics!
Last year she slept through the whole thing! I think this is one of the sweetest pictures! My precious little baby! |
This year when she saw him in line she started saying "ho-ho, ho-ho" over and over again! When we got up to him however, she wasn't so sure! She never cried just looked at us with that real serious look! I hope next year she will love him, but that might be the year she screams! My precious big baby!
On Christmas day we went to my parents' house. My brother had to work on Christmas, so we waited for him to get home which was around 6:30 or 7. My niece, who is 7, kept asking all day when Uncle Ken was going to get there. We kept telling her it would be awhile. Then she would say "Ok, when he gets here we are going to sing in front of the fire!" So when he finally got home, we ate supper, then we were heading over to my grandmother's to open gifts. She asked us to wait about 10-15 minutes. We were all getting a little grouchy, because it was getting late and the babies weren't going to last long. Then my niece said, "I know what we can do! Let's sing in front of the fire!" After she finished my nephew who is almost 5 wanted to sing something too. So here they are with their musical debuts:
Now if these didn't melt our hearts and put us back in the spirit I don't kow what could have! They bless my heart everytime and I hope they bless yours!
Merry Christmas for the last time until next year! |
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