This was our 3rd Christmas as a married couple, and so far Christmas with our parents has worked out beautifully! On the day before Christmas Eve, we have been heading down to Jody's parents' house to spend the night and do our Christmas there. That night, we open presents from the siblings and now the girls get to open their presents from each other and their aunt and uncle. I think it is going to be a fun tradition! We spend the night and get up in the morning to open up presents! This year, we all woke up and the girls slept till 8:45! HA! It was alot of fun though! I just know when they get older they are going to love going to spend the night at Neena and Papa Dale's house! They are already starting to interact a little more so I know next year will be a blast!
Playing on Madi's rocking horse! |
Playing in Neena and Papa Dale's room: looking at the ostriches! |
On Christmas day, after we open up our presents together at the house, we head down to my parents'. We usually eat lunch with my great-grandmother, but this year she is in the nursing home, so we jsut stayed around the house and snacked so we could eat a big meal for supper! My brother had to work that day so we had to wait till about 7 that night to open presents. Actually it was later than that because we went to my grandmother's to open presents then came back to open presents at mom and dad's! It was alot of fun, and all the kids were suprisingly happy! The little ones had cheetos in their stockings, so they snacked on cheetos while presents were passed out and opened! I think Brailyn was finally laid down at 11 that night! I believe that is the latest she has ever stayed up! It was alot of fun though! 5 kids and 3 of them just over 1 year! Next year the Terrible, i mean Terriffic 2's!
That is not one of her presents! Out of all the cool toys she got, she chooses to play with her aunt's blanket! HA |
This is what happens when you have 8 adults and 5 kids opening presents at the same time! AHHHHH! |

Such wonderful memories for all of us!! Enjoyed every minute of it!!