We have had such a memorable(pun intended) weekend! It has been so relaxing and just all around fun! On Saturday, we took Brailyn fishing for her first official time to actually fish. Neena kept Lainee so we could have some great on on one time with Brailyn. We gave her her new princess fishing pole on Friday night and she was SUPER excited! Her mouth fell open and stayed that way for about 5 minutes. LOL There was a little fish on the end of the pole so she could practice with it, and that's all she wanted to do for the rest of the night. She woke up at 6:30 on Saturday morning and came straight to her daddy in bed and asked him if she could practice with her fishing pole! 6:30 A.M.!!!! We got up and had to go on a wild goose chase to find some bait and but me a fishing license. No where in Prescott or Emmet sold either one. How crazy is that?!? We finally got some in Hope and then headed to go fish. Brailyn kept asking and asking if it was time yet. Finally, we got there and all set up and started fishing. Jody would help Brailyn throw it in, then when they got a bite he would set the hook and then she would take over. She reeled them in like a pro! She was so proud of herself, but she DID NOT want to touch it! HA! She ended up catching three, but we had to throw one back. After she caught the first fish, she said. "All right, let's go to Neena's and have a fish fry." Umm baby, we need a few more for that! She go tired after a while, so we left. We knew she wouldn't be able to stay long and we didn't want to force her to and ruin her experience.
Here we go! Daddy, open your eyes while you drive! :) |
Her first cast! |
She's got one! |
Brailyn catching her first fish! Ignore all of our jibber jabber and focus on the cute little country girl! Ignore the horrible camera work at the end too! LOL Apparently I forgot to hit stop!
She did not want to touch the line! LOL |
So proud of herself! |
Sweet girl! |
She got another one! |
On Sunday, my parents came up to spend the night and go to church with us. Brailyn didn't know they were coming and was very excited when she got up and saw them. I'm so glad she loves all of her grandparents so much.
My girlie girls in there matching chevron dresses! Made by my friend at Making Meri! Check out her Facebook page! |
I just love these two pictures! Someone thinks Daddy is awfully funny! |
:D!!!! |
Popup and Gramma! |
On Memorial day, we got up and had a lazy morning, then Brailyn got to go swim in her swimming pool for the first time this summer. She had a blast! She ended up getting in it two more times today. We had yummy grilled burgers for lunch, then I made some "appetizers" that we snacked on that were delicious!!! I also made some festive chocolate covered strawberries too! I love holidays and getting to try new fun and festive recipes! While Brailyn napped(Lainee got up way early from hers), we all watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger. We are crazy party people! Then when she got up, we headed outside to swim and let Lainee have her first experience in her pool! She like the pool okay, but decided it was more fun to crawl out of it and hang on to the side of Sissy's pool and let the water out. She crawled all the way around the outside of that pool and got completely dirty and didn't seem to care one bit. I have decided that she will be our child that does not mind getting dirty at all! For supper, Jody's parents came up and we had a Fish Fry. It was delicious! Hubby makes some good fish! And the best part is that I didn't have to do anything!
Wearing Neena's shoes that she wore as a baby! All three of her sweet girls have worn them. We waited a little to long to put Lainee's feet in there, but we made it work! Lobe it! |
Happy Memorial Day! |
My sweet baby inherited her momma's picture taking abilities! ;) SHe looked too cute though! |
My festive strawberries! |
Yum! |
Pool time! |
Lainee's first time in her pool! Not quite sure what to think. Oh, and we haven't bought a bathing suit yet. :) |
Really starting to enjoy it! |
If you look closely, you can see the water splashing. She was having fun! |
This is how we spent most of our time at the pool. |
Sweet blue-eyed angel! |
Trying to get a good picture of all the dirt on her. |
***A little added note: Lainee took her first step this weekend too!!!!!***
We had such a fun couple of days, but we also try to take time to remember just why we get to celebrate a holiday like today and enjoy it in peace. We are so thankful for ALL of our men and women who have served for our country and all those who paid the ultimate price. Without them, weekends like this would not exist, and there is no way we could ever repay them! Thanks to two special men in our lives, my uncle, Anthony Young, and our very own Papa Dale! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
What a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!! Love all the sweet pictures!! Papa Dale and I are so blessed with four wonderful sweethearts!! We love them all!!