The last full week in August was the Nevada County Fair week. Even though our fair is not very big, I love it! I have always loved the small town life, and fairs and festivals are just fun to me. I'm not sure what it is about them. I just love it! Jody is a little less enthused so I hope Brailyn takes after me! :)
This was at the parade on Thursday! I couldn't take any pictures of the actual parade since I was handling this wiggle worm by myself, but she sure is the cutest wiggle worm I've ever seen! |
Brailyn had a blast this year! She got to run around and play and look at all the animals! The animals are the biggest part of our fair. The first night we went, we sat down in the bleachers to watch the show. A lot of our youth from church show animals, so we like to go and watch. By the way, they all did AWESOME! The goats came out first and Brailyn immediately recognized Carter, a boy form church. She kept saying, "There Carter!" over and over again. Then she kept saying "There goats. Maaa!" It was hilarious! We had a great time! Kristi got Brailyn and took her to see their goats. Brailyn got to get in the pin with them and chase them around. Poor goats. The only thing Brailyn could talk about the next day was going to the fair and seeing the "anmals." She talked about Carter's and Em's goats, Ashlynn and Raliegh's cows, etc.
"Peek-A-Boo" |
Brushing Raliegh's cow! |
The next night was the sale. Jody is a buyer for Farm Credit, so we always get to go and eat early. We got there and all Brailyn wanted to do was go see the goats, pigs, and cows! She knew just who to go to also, Kristi! HA We ate, then Shane, Amanda, and Elise got there. The girls had fun catching up! Brailyn walked up to Elise and said "I 'ike' your bow!" Where does she learn these things?!?
Daddy took her with him every time he bought an animal! She had a blast! I can't wait for her to show animals, if she wants to of course! :) I think she will! |
Watching intently to make sure we want to buy this one! |
"Hmmm..." |
Brailyn was so good during the sale. Then afterwards, Shane and Amanda let us have some of their tickets to ride the little train ride that was there! Thank You! The four of us rode and had a blast!
"Bye Daddy! This is fun!" |
They also had big bounce houses there (these were the only "rides"). So after the train ride, the four of us jumped in and had a grand ol' time! We took our "annual" picture with the girls! I wish I had the picture from last year to show and compare! Go look at Amanda's blog if you would like to see it!
We had a great time, and Brailyn is still talking about the fair and all the "anmals!" I already can't wait till next year! On a side note, I entered 6 pictures in the fair and got 4 first place ribbons and two second place! I also entered a can of jam and got second place! I was pretty excited! I'm already thinking of things to enter next year! I love my, small town, takes very little to excite me life!
Brailyn tried out her photography skills! Pretty good I think! |
Our big girl! |
That sweet little doll sure had a great time!! She is growing up so fast!!