Our beautiful 18 month old "baby" girl! May 7, 2011 |

My precious tiny baby girl turned 18 months old on May 7th! I think it is about time for time to stand still! I say this every time, but I can't believe how fast time has flown! It seems like yesterday we brought her home and just sat and stared at her all day, and slept every chance we got! HA! Now we run around all day chasing her, reading to her, and falling in bed at the end of the night from pure exhaustion! We are loving this age though! Each day is a new adventure. She seems to learn new words every second! It is simply amazing! Just yesterday I was putting the rug back down after mopping. She loves to help me roll it back out. She ran to it, got down on her hands and knees and started helping. I started saying "Roll it, Roll it!" Then she pushed and and started saying, "Row-wit!" She is just so sweet, and so full of energy and the best little personality! She loves to hug and kiss now and say "Oh ma-ma!" or "Oh, daddy!" Her favorite thing to say right now is "Where______ go?" She fills in the blank with whatever she needs or hides! I here this question constantly! "Where daddy go?", "Where dog go?" And repeating the question is not good enough, she needs an answer! I absolutely do not mind answering though! I love being able to have little conversations with my baby! Here are a few other things she is up to now:
- At her 18 month check up she was 26 13.5 lbs(85%) and was 31 1/4 in.(40%) long.
- One of our biggest accomplishments since being 18 months is that we are PACI FREE! We tried for about 2 weeks before she turned 18 mos. She was not having it, so during those weeks, she only got it at nap time and bed time. Then one night I decided to just not give it to her, and she went right to sleep and hasn't had it since! She goes to sleep with her bear. She actually calls it her "bear-pac" now! She will chew on it for a little bit and then go to sleep.
- She knows the colors: orange, red, blue, pink, and sometimes purple! When you first ask her what color something is, her immediate answer is pink! I think she sees a lot of pink! Then, we ask her again and she gives the right color.
- She likes to sit on the "pot-ty!" She started showing interest so I bought her the potty seat that just sits on top of toilet. She loves it! She backs up to it and say "pee-pee." We have yet to do anything yet, but she likes to sit there! When she gets down she says "bye-bye, pot-ty!" The other night I was in there and she came in, then went to find her daddy in the living and said "Mommy pot-ty!" I'm just waiting on that one to come out while in public!
- She knows most if not all of her body parts!
- She will eat everything under the sun, but her favorite thing is fruit! She loves fresh fruit and will eat anything you give her!
- She has mastered the art of climbing. Oh joy!
- She names nearly everybody in our family, and has started remembering people's names at church!
- She makes all of her animal sounds, and has started naming most of them now.
- She still loves her "Dot dog" and Minnie! She knows all the characters by name, but still calls Mickey "Dot dog!" I never want her to stop!
- Instead of just naming things like chairs and shoes, she now says "Daddy's chair" or "mommy's shoes!" She knows what belongs to each of us! If she is naming of body parts on her toys, she will say "bunny's ears" or "bunny's eyes!" Whatever she is pointing at!
So I said a few more things! HA She does everything she is supposed to be doing right now. I won't post it all! She keeps us laughing and on our toes constantly! We are absolutely loving this age! Although we may want to keep her like this forever, we also can't wait to see what the other ages bring! Right now though, we are savoring every day! We love you sweet baby girl! You are our pride and joy!
At her check-up! May 9, 2011! This is the best pick I got! I asked her to look at mommy and she looked up and said "Cheese!" She's a mess! |
"I don't want to look right now mom!" |
Oh the difference in boys and girls!!! I took Silas this week for his 18 mo. visit. He weighed 28 lbs 11 oz and was 34 in. long. He only talks when he needs to. He isn't a jabber jaw like Brailyn! Can not wait to see you this weekend.
ReplyDeleteWhat a little sweetheart!! She is truly a little sponge soaking up everything and saying it too!!! I can't wait to hear what she says everytime I'm around her!!