We had a wonderful Easter! We got to spend time with family, watch Brailyn thoroughly enjoy hunting Easter eggs, and most importantly, we got to celebrate our Risen Lord! Brailyn was a little young this year to understand the real reason we celebrate Easter, but I plan on starting traditions with her next year to teach her and help her understand Easter. I plan to but resurrection eggs and do the Easter cookies with her. I can't wait! I think they are great tools for helping children understand! I don't think any of us, no matter how old, can fully grasp what happened on that glorious day, but we learn to accept it with faith, and an abundance of gratefulness! I hope to help instill that in Brailyn over the years!
Anyway, we always have a busy, busy Easter Sunday! It works out perfectly though. Since our church does Sonrise service, and then worship service at 8:30, we get to make it to my family's Easter lunch. My mom's side of the family has gotten together since before I was born. This is basically like a family reunion, and this is about the only time I get to see that side every year. We eat a wonderful lunch, and then the big kids hide eggs for the little ones. I remember growing up and moving into the different stages, and now I get to watch Brailyn do it! We have a lot of fun, and I just love it! It makes for a long tiring day, but I wouldn't trade it for the world! So here is our Easter in pictures! I know most would rather see those than read my ramblings anyway! :)
Me, Brailym, Cathy, and Hannah at the church's Easter egg hunt! Brailyn loves "baby anna!" |
That's a big group of kids to hide eggs for, and I think they had plenty and then some! |
Heading out to find some eggs! The little ones had their own closed off area to hunt in! |
Such a big girl! |
I did most of the hunting, but she did all of the picking up and putting them in the basket! She caught on fast! She had a ball! |
The Easter bunny came! I think he left a little to much stuff! Hehe |
Poor baby had to get up at 6:30! She was still ready to check out what she got! |
Her favorite by far! She looks a little rough in this one, but she had been up for about 3 minutes maybe! Just enough for me to get her dressed! |
She passed out on the way to Woodlawn! She slept the entire hour and 45 minutes! When we got to my Aunt's house, Brailyn woke up when we pulled in her driveway. The driveway is long and lined by trees. Brailyn woke up and said "Whoa!" HA! |
Hunting again! |
We go to great lengths to find the eggs! |
My family! My sister and her family on the left side, mom and dad, in the middle, us, then my brother and his family on the right! |
Happy Easter Everyone!