Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Our Big Girl

For Christmas this past year, Neena and Papa Dale gave Brailyn a "princess ride-on." It has been in her closet just waiting until she was old enough to play with it. Tonight Jody snuck in there and got it out. They came riding down the hall to suprise mommy! She wasn't sure about riding on it, but she sure loved pushing it and walking behind it! Here is a video of our big girl walking! (Be sure to notice the dancing in the middle!)


  1. That is so precious!! She will be walking everywhere before too much longer. I can't believe our sweet little precious will be walking!! Hey, dancing too!!

  2. She's doing great! Getting braver by the day! It won't be long until she'll be into everything. Too precious!

  3. Love it!! She is such a little hoot! Your hands are going to be sooooo full before long.


Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers