Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Lainee Bug is TWO!

Our sweet little Lainee Bug turned two last Thursday! TWO!!!! I think the time is flying by even faster with the second child even though we didn't  think that was possible.  Just yesterday I went to the hospital and delivered a healthy 7 lb 1oz baby girl, at least that's how it seems.  And shortly after her arrival, we settled on a name. ;) Lainee Elizabeth Almand.  There were a few family members, or one, who shall go unnamed (Andy) who wasn't very happy with us about that.  After these two years, it's clear we should have named her Whirlwind.  Time has flown, and she has kept up with it if not a few steps in front! She is our busy body and that is another thing we didn't think was possible after Brailyn. We didn't think anyone could surpass her in that area.  Sometimes I think God looks down and laughs and says "Just Watch." It's true.  But He gave us just what we needed in our Lainee Bug, and we know that He made her special and her own little person, and we wouldn't trade her for anything, not even a little more sleep and relaxation. ;)

Lainee Bug, you are so special to us! You have the most tender heart to your Sissy, but you also don't take anything off of her.  You are more than willing to give her anything she wants when she is crying for it and you can tell she really wants it. You defeat Mommy and Daddy's efforts in disciplining her for whining and not sharing. I'm glad you are so giving though.  I think the reason you love her so much and care is because you know how much she LOVES and adores you.  I feel beyond blessed by the bond you two share. Yes you fight sometimes and I think I am going to lose it, but more often than not, y'all are snuggling or playing, and it all falls back in place.  Y'all have been that way since day one.  You are a Mommy's girl, but equally a Daddy's girl too.  You squeal in the most high pitched voice "DADDY!" when he gets home everyday, and run to him to pick you up.  You give the best big squeezes and kisses!

You love your baby dolls.  Brailyn never really has, but you most certainly do.  It's the sweetest thing to watch you grab a baby and sit down and start rocking her and singing Jesus loves me.  You want to play with everything that Sissy has, and you think you are as big as her.  It's hard to say what your favorite TV show is right now.  Minnie Mouse is one of your favorites, but you really like them all.  You will stop everything you are doing to watch the Disney Fairies though.  

We are so thankful for you, Lainee Bug!  Our prayer is that your giving heart always remains, and that you use it for the Lord above all! We love you! 

We had Lainee's party on Saturday the 16th.  It was a Ladybug party for our Lainee Bug and we had so much fun! I think she loved all the decorations and the cake.  It's so fun to watch them grow, and watch their excitement grow from year to year.  We were missing quite a few family members and friends, but we sure had a blast! Here is a picture recap!

Not a great picture, but this is the banner that my Sis-in law made for Lainee's first birthday.  I took the "1st" circle off and used it again this year and it matched perfectly!  I'm going to use it every year wither it matches or not. :)

I loved the way her cake turned out! I always have so much fun making their cakes for them.  

And the cupcakes not completely set up yet. :)

Trying to get a good birthday photo of the Birthday girl and her Sis. 

When you finally get them both to look at the camera, this is what you get. Oh well! :)

Let the party begin!

BOZ movies! 

She was really into opening the presents this year so that was fun!

My dad bought her this ladybug beanie baby at the hospital gift shop and she has loved on it NONSTOP!  The following pictures prove how much she loved it and will melt your heart. I'm pretty sure my dad's is nothing but a puddle now. ;) Pop-ups are the best!

And her baby doll from my sister.  Like I said earlier, she loves her baby dolls.  This one came grocery shopping with us today. ;)

Her present from us.  A water and sand table.  This looked more fun to her though. 

Cake time!

She was a little wary of blowing out the candles, but she caught on quickly.

YAY! Happy Birthday our little Lainee Bug!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday Photo shoot and Some FUN News!

Sunday's are our favorite days to take pics mainly because we are wearing our Sunday best and not our pajamas/lounging clothes like the rest of the week! Real life people. Real life. So I couldn't resist tonight because our girls were wearing the cutest dresses! Here are the pics for your viewing pleasure! We may be a little biased about the cuteness going on in these pictures!
Started out fairly well...

We had to remove Donald from the picture and Big Sis's compliance started to fade...

This is what happens when that happens...

Alright, It's back...

Although, now, Little Sis is plotting her run for it...

Think, Lainee, Think...

I've got it! Let's bring Donald back in...

Goofy too...

This is so exciting....

Almost there...

This must have been the plan all along, grab all the bounty..

What just happened here?!?!

You're Welcome!


I am now a Jamberry Nails Consultant! I'm super excited! Jamberry Nails is such a fun company with a great product that I think you will love! Jamberry Nails are wraps for you nails that come in 300+ designs that are super cute and fun! They sell other products too such as, Nail Lacquer, hand care products, nail products, etc. The wraps are $15 a sheet and you get two applications for your fingernails and toenails out of each! That is a great price! They last for up to 2 weeks on your finger nails and 4 weeks on your toenails.  Super durable! If you think it out, it is a lot cheaper than going to a salon, and you can do it from the comfort of your living room in your pjs! And the best part is, the sheets are Buy 3 Get 1 FREE! That's right! And they make great gifts!  They also have junior nails perfect for your little girl or nieces!  I am starting my launch party tomorrow on Facebook. Don't have Facebook? That's okay! You can got to my website Janee's Jamberry Nails.  Check it out! Let me know if you have any questions at all! I'm here to answer them! 

I joined Jamberry because I love the product and the opportunity to stay home with my girls and be able to contribute to our household income! I'm super excited because there is enormous potential in this company for me to help out in a big way and move on up in the company! I need your help though! Please go check out my party! I know you will love them!   If you want to have a party just let me know! It will be fun and you will get great hostess perks! If you think you may be interested in signing up as a consultant let me know for sure! You can email me at janeealmand@hotmail.com.  I would love to share more about this opportunity with you, and help you accomplish your goals whatever they may be! 

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers