Obviously, the answer to that question is not on blogger! We've just been busy with life and other things, and the blog just isn't high up on the list. I do want to get back to it and will try to do a little catch up, but there is no way I can catch up on it all. So for the most part, I will have to pick up from the here and now.
So our most recent exciting happening has been Brailyn's first year of T-ball! It was a blast from beginning to end. I think the most fun was just seeing how much she learned and grew from beginning to end. She did great, and I think she really enjoyed it. It's one of our go to games when we head outside to play.
I was nervous at first that maybe we signed her up a little to early, but by the end of her little season, that nervousness faded. I know, it took the whole season, but I think we would have hit a great groove if it had lasted a little longer.
Anyway, here is our little t-baller! I hope we have many more years of t-ball to come. And if not, that's okay too! ;)
Headed to her first practice! |
Just a little excited. :) |
First practice! |
Lots of this went on throughout the season. ;) |
Getting that ball! |
Add caption |
Lots of silly girl talk went on too. |
:) |
Throw it back! |
Good swing! See that ball flying? |
On the field during her first game! |
At bat for the first time! |
Good hit! Run Brailyn Run! |
Cheering Sissy on! |
Third baseman. |
Good game! |
Lots of this went on too. ;) |
Big T-baller after her first game! |
Good Job Sissy! |
We are so proud of you Baby Girl! You did great!
**I was trying to upload the video I took of her last game, but nothing will let me upload it. As soon as I get it figured out I will put it on here