Wednesday, November 7, 2012


My baby is three years old today.  Where in the world has the time gone?  I know it's so cliche to say that it seems like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital, but that's the truth.  I remember bringing her home and thinking, "Now what?" The months back then seemed to pass slow and fast all at the same time.  You can't wait for them to start sitting up on their own, then it's crawling and walking, and before you know it, your baby is no longer a baby!

1 month! 12-13-09

1 year!  11-6-10

2 years!  11-7-11

3 years!!! 11-7-12

Me and my big 3 year old!

Brailyn is such a character!  She keeps us laughing nearly all day.  The stuff she comes up with sometimes is so hilarious.  It would be nice to be inside her mind for one second just to see how she thinks of these things! HA  She still loves her "Dot Dog and Minnie," and that is what she still calls the show.  She will call Mickey by name any other time except for when she says that she wants to watch the show and that is what she calls it.  I absolutely love that she still does this!  We are starting to like the princesses a little more each day and lately she has been using her magic wand to turn us into princesses,  all four of us. :)  She doesn't let me read to her as much as she used to, but she still loves her books.  She really loves puzzles now, and is getting really good at them.  She has one she does all by herself and then her 24 piece puzzles she can almost do all alone.  She knows all of her ABCs and can recognize them.  She is even starting to recognize and say the sound of a few--O,G, and A i know for sure.  She counts to at least 20, and recognizes most of her numbers through 10.  She just amazes us everyday.  Right before Lainee was born, she started taking herself to the bathroom all be herself.  She only calls us when she needs us.  She is such a big girl!  She still loves to help me do anything and everything from washing dishes to cooking and lots of other things.  She loves for us to go to her room and play with her toys in there.
Fun, Fun!! May 2012

First Frosty!

This girl loves some watermelon!

Just like Daddy!

Elmo went to church wit us!

Finger paint!

Circus! July 2012

Cutie pie!

Silly girl!

She has been the best big sister!  We were a little worried on how she would take on the role, but she has been great!  She absolutely loves Lainee.  All she wants to do is hug, kiss and hold her.  We have to remind her to give Lainee a little space because she always wants to be right beside her and right in her face!  Every morning she wants to see Lainee.  If Lainee is awake, she will always talk to her first.  This morning she came in and Lainee was awake, she climbed on the bed and said, "Hi pretty girl. Oh, hi.  Sissy's awake!" Then she gives her at least one kiss and a big hug!  I love and feel so blessed on how she is doing as a sister!  I can't wait to see how their bond grows as they get older!
Holding her for the first time!

Snuggling together!

Trying to make her happy!


Sweet girls!

Nightly routine now!

Matching girls!

Getting kisses from sissy!

Brailyn has been such a blessing to us and we thank God everyday for giving her to us!  We love her more than words could ever express!  She is our little strong willed, hyper, very talkative, social little thing and we wouldn't have it any other way!

Daddy and Mommy love you Baby Girl!  Happy Birthday!

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Little Late Night, Lights Out, Silliness

Saturday Night the lights went out when the storm blew through.  I happened to be in Brailyn's room because she heard the thunder and called me back there to see what was happening.  She said, "Look mommy!" I told her yeah it was lightning and she said, "It's so pretty!"  :)  Glad she can appreciate all of God's amazing powers!  Then the lights went out after a big clap of thunder and Daddy came to the rescue with a flashlight to set up in her room, but then she didn't want us to leave.  We stayed in her room and snuggled and played for a while which turned into this:

The rules of the game...I had to make the same face she did!   Such a silly girl! 

Sorry if you have nightmares after viewing this! It had been a rough day!!! HA  Couldn't resist posting some silly, fun moments in our life though!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lainee Elizabeth

Sweet little Lainee was born on August 14, 2012 at 8:39 in the morning.  Her birth was much different than Brailyn's.  We scheduled this one for the 14th.  Dr. Shaffer said he would do my c-section as early as the 12th, but that was a Sunday and we didn't want to do it then.  Jody's Papaw's birthday was the 14th so we planned it for that day.  I think it's so special that Lainee gets to share her birthday like that.  We had to be there at 6:00 that morning.  Yuck!  My parents came up Monday night so that they could keep Brailyn and she wouldn't have to get up so early.  We got there, got checked in and all hooked up and just waited till Dr. Shaffer was there and ready for us.  A completely different experience this go around.  Jody's mom, dad, and brother came over and got to see us before we went in.  I WALKED to the OR at around 8:15 or so and the rest is history! HA  I was so much more alert this time and it was so much better!  They knocked me out and let me sleep while they finished sewing me up and while Jody took Lainee to the nursery.  That was nice.  I was awake last time and it was not fun!  Brailyn was the first person to come back to see us.  I was so happy to see my "baby" girl!  She will always be my baby!!!  I don't remember much else from the day.  I was tired and going in and out of sleep.  My sister and her kids, Jody's brother and sister in law and our sweet niece(our nephew was a little sick so he didn't get to come back), and our parents were all there for the birth.  Our friends, Shane, Amanda, and Elise came by that night to see us.  Sadly, Brailyn wasn't there, but they brought a sweet big sister gift to her and she got to open it the next day.  The next few days are a little blurry, but we got to come home on Thursday.  It took forever but I finally got discharged.  When we had Brailyn, we drove straight home and VERY slow.  This time, we left and went to Chick-Fil-A to get some lunch then drove home a little faster this time, but still very cautious.  It's funny how things change when you have your second one.  That about sums up her birth story.  She weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz. and was 19.5 inches long.  She weighed more than Brailyn, but she was shorter.  She weighed 6.9 when we left the hospital.   I leave the rest in pictures! Lots and lots of pictures! :)

Getting to see her for the first time!

Sweet Kisses!

Big sister getting to see her for the first time!

Here I am!

Taking a closer look! lol

Getting to hold her for the first time!

Mommy's two girls!

Big sister fell in love right away too!

Sweet girl!

Daddy and his princesses!

Neena and Lainee

Sweet hugs!

Looking a little mad! :)

Papa Dale and Lainee

Gramma and Lainee

Her oldest cousins

Pop-up and Lainee

Aunt Jennifer and Lainee

Uncle Andy and Lainee

Aunt Jen and Madi with Lainee

First family photo!  Looking back on these pictures I puffed up like a balloon!  LOL   
Changing the first diaper

Amanda and Elise with Lainee

Out of those hospital clothes! :)  Like her ankle bracelet?

Such a good big sister!

Sweet moments!


Getting ready to go home

She screamed all the way through the hospital!

Finally out and happy to be headed home!

At home as a family! 
She was not happy! LOL

Aunt Shelley and Lainee

Uncle Ken and Lainee

Sweet sisters holding their siblings!  Cooper was born on May 1st!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers