Wednesday, April 20, 2011

First Family Vacation!

 Well sort of!  Jody had to go to Russellville to Farm Credit's central office to work for a couple of days so we decided to go with him!  Brailyn and I stayed in the hotel both days and that was interesting!  Trying to keep an 18 month old in one room is hard work!  We read books, played with play-doh, watched TV , and swam some!  I was really nervous about how she was going to sleep.  We took the play pen and I draped blankets on all the sides to help block out some of the light and noise.  She usually sleeps fine in there so that was okay.  What really made me nervous was how I was going to get her to sleep!  No rocking chair!  The first night she did amazing!  I stood up and bounced her and she was asleep within 10 minutes!  Jody and I went to bed with her so I got about 10 and a half hours of sleep that night!  Refreshing!  Nap time the next day was a breeze!  Do you feel a pattern?  Well, it ended there!  I stood up and bounced her for over an hour the next night!  All in all, it went pretty well!  She never got fussy in the room at all!  We had a good time for our first little vacation!

Playing on the bed when we first arrived!  She became a ball of energy when we got there!

Ready to go swimming!

Her sleeping quarters!

Swimming with daddy!

Relaxing watching a little TV!

My precious girl!  She was tired!

Weee!  Having fun at the park!

Big girl swing!

Fixing to slide!

Playing in the tunnel!

Sliding with daddy!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Just Call Her "Little Monet"

Beautiful isn't it!  My baby's first masterpiece!  The picture isn't to great, but it's all in the bottom right hand corner!  The crayons were really skinny, so it was really hard for her to hold them and press down.  I think I'm going to buy her some fatter ones and let her go!  Mommy will always KNOW that her art is the most amazing in the world!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Brailyn's First Love!

Her daddy probably just fainted when he read the title! HA  No, it's not a little boy!  It's "Dot Dog" and everyone of his friends, especially Minnie!  I guess I should say her first favorite TV show, because we all know that Mommy and Daddy are her first loves!  However, if you know us at all, you know that Brailyn loves her Mickey Mouse, aka "Dot Dog," and all his friends!  I have proof!
Wiping Minnie's nose!  She has started taking care of her toys!  It is the sweetest thing!  She will wipe their noses or cover them with a blanket!  She has just started being the sweetest little mothering baby!

Minnie pjs!  You will notice throughout these pictures and video she has about 3 different Minnie pjs!  She has 1 more that is short sleeved and I may be crazy but she has never slept well in those so we don't wear them anymore!  Also, notice the 1 shoe and the sock on her hand!  She brought both things to me to put on her and wore them for about 30 minutes!

"Cheese!"  Notice the pjs!

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Along with wiping noses and covering with blankets, she has started diapering and dressing them!  In fact I had to undress her big Minnie last night because I needed the top for Brailyn's pjs!  She still has on her diaper though!

Loving on Minnie after breakfast!  Minnie had to eat breakfast right beside her!

In the video, there is a part where I thought Brailyn said "There he is!"  which she says for everything we ask her, but she actually says "Cheese!"  Trust me you will know what I'm talking about!  She is so funny when she watches, because she knows the order in which they show up, and she names them all and tells them "Hi!"  She is my sweetheart!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fun Entertainment!

This is how we stay entertained in the car!  I think Brailyn was entertaining us more than we were her!  We repeated this sequence about 3 or more times!  So proud of our sweet baby girl!  I feel like she is at a stage now where she is just soaking up knowledge!  She repeats and remembers nearly every word we tell  her!  Here is my baby showing of her skills! :)

We recorded that in the car on the way to Hot Springs last night.  Jennifer had a pass to shop early at the Rhea Lana's sale, so the guys kept the girls and us mommas went and shopped!  It was a lot of fun, and we found some great deals!  The guys said that the girls had fun too!  I'm really glad Jennifer invited me to go with her!
Hanging out with Daddy/Uncle Jo-Jo!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers